
Futures in Scala

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Not-yet-available values in Scala: Futures!

Whenever we want to use a value that is not readily available yet – for example, when we call a function to compute or fetch something over the network – we can not be sure if things go as were planned. What if the database connection is down? What if the user typed in an invalid string?


For + yield = for comprehension

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For loops and for comprehensions in Scala

Looping over a collection of items and transforming the individual elements within is quite a common task. So it seems natural that Scala offers a nice way to solve this.


Options in Scala

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Handling missing values in Scala: Options

Whenever we want to use a value that is not readily available yet – for example, when we call a function to compute or fetch something over the network – we can not be sure if things go as were planned. What if the database connection is down? What if the user typed in an invalid string?


Scala collections - part 3

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Basic data structures in Scala: Maps

After Lists and tuples, let’s have a look at Maps.

They are sometimes called “hashtables”, “hashes”, or “dictionaries” in other programming languages.

Maps are a bit more complex than what we’ve seen before. They come handy when you need to store associated pairs of data, or when you need to easily look up a value corresponding to another value (which we will call the key).


Scala collections - part 2

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Basic data structures in Scala: Tuples

In the previous post we learned about Lists in Scala. Now I’ll briefly cover tuples.

You can think about a tuple as simple “wrapper” around a handful of things, it just keeps its elements together, at their own place.


Scala collections - part 1

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Basic data structures in Scala: Lists

In the following couple of posts we’ll learn about basic data structures, and how they can be used in Scala.

Lists are what their name suggests: they can keep a list of things. The order of its elements will be kept, and a list does not care if an element appears more than once in it (which means it will not remove duplicates).


Our first Scala dojo

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What is a coding dojo?

In short, a coding dojo is an event where a group of programmers practice their craft in an organized way, focusing on a single coding problem.

A dojo usually lasts a couple of hours, depending on the style and the task to be solved.


Testing our Scala code

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Why test our code?

This is a more ‘practical’ topic, and I’m sure that many would argue that learning how to use a unit testing framework is not strictly necessary for newcomers. But according to my experience, getting into the habit of writing tests regularly quickly pays off.


Basic pattern matching in Scala

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Introduction to pattern matching in Scala

Pattern matching is a quite commonly used “programming pattern” in functional languages, because it fits nicely into the “functional way of thinking”, and it is quite powerful and handy as a tool.


Enums in Scala

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Enumerations in Scala

Generally in programming, enumerations (a.k.a. enums) are light-weight means to create a very simple model within our code, for representing a custom type with a limited set of possible values with readable names. This description might sound a bit too abstract, so let’s see an example instead.


Short intro to Scala

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You’re probably here because you’ve heard that Scala is a cool programming language and you’d like to learn more about it. Because, hey, it’s object-oriented and functional at the same time!

I’ll show you something very basic at first: a bit more “personal” version of the famous “Hello World” program.